Have better conversations with your customers using WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Uniboxi helps you communicate with your customers on multiple channels in an easy and organized way.

Have better conversations with your customers using WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Uniboxi helps you communicate with your customers on multiple channels in an easy and organized way.

In the last 12 months​

4.1 million

messages have passed through Uniboxi


conversations with customers


message open rate

Talk to your customers wherever they are.
All from just one place.

Integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Talk to your customers wherever they are.
All from just one place.

Integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.


You will have all the metrics to know how your work team is performing. Also, you will be able to see specific performance metrics per executive such as, number of messages sent, business won and much more.

Free WhatsApp button for websites

Create a WhatsApp button for your website totally free. Start generating more conversations by including one or more WhatsApp phone numbers on your website.

Free WhatsApp button for websites

Create a WhatsApp button for your website totally free. Start generating more conversations by including one or more WhatsApp phone numbers on your website.

Are you messaging with your clients yet?

Percentage of shoppers who said they messaged a business last Holiday season


North America


Europe & Middle East


Latin America


Asia – Pacific

Why e-commerce shoppers message with brands?


Product o pricing information


Instant responses
at any time


Easy way
to shop




Ability to negotiate
prices or offers
Facebook 2019 Holiday Study, by Ipsos Marketing


Chatbot with artificial intelligence

Automate responses for your customers with the new chatbot powered by ChatGPT.

Our clients


Not just email and telephone anymore.

Your customers already use multiple channels to communicate with other businesses.
It wasn’t long ago when most of the business communication happened using the phone and email. Things have changed. Now, it’s common for a customer to send a message through Facebook or WhatsApp to a business and expect an answer in minutes.
Uniboxi will help you have an effective communication on the most important messaging platforms in just one place. Never lose a customer for not being present where it matters.


Not just email and telephone anymore.

Your customers already use multiple channels to communicate with other businesses.
It wasn’t long ago when most of the business communication happened using the phone and email. Things have changed. Now, it’s common for a customer to send a message through Facebook or WhatsApp to a business and expect an answer in minutes.
Uniboxi will help you have an effective communication on the most important messaging platforms in just one place. Never lose a customer for not being present where it matters.


Simple and effective multichannel communication.

Simple communication board

See the messages coming and easily organize them into categories.

Automate follow ups

Close more deals by sending the quote and automatically follow up in days.

Conversation control

Uniboxi allows you to monitor what your team’s conversations are talking about and in what state.

Multiple users

Create users and split all the incoming messages among them evenly or with custom rules.

How it works?

Easy peasy

Add the business page

Securely link your business pages from one or more messaging platform (Messenger, Whatsapp, etc.).

Add the business page

Securely link your business pages from one or more messaging platform (Messenger, Whatsapp, etc.).

Go to the messaging dashboard

You will start to see the messages from the different platforms linked.

Start chatting

You are ready to start talking to your customers using Uniboxi. Add more channels whenever you want.

Sign up

If you love it, then choose a plan.