Marvelkleen achieved a 70% increase in sales through social media thanks to Uniboxi.
Marvelkleen is the leading provider of industrial cleaning products, with over 40 years in the market. They market a variety of products such as solvents, fragrances, and raw materials both nationally and internationally.
Automated Information Delivery to Customers.
Increase in sales on social media.
Messages managed in the last 6 months.
Channels used
Messages on a Single Platform.
Facebook Messenger
The challenge
Marvelkleen needed a platform to manage the hundreds of messages coming through the website and social media, which were directed to a single WhatsApp number and handled by a single person. This made it impossible to divide and filter messages by sales and support areas, causing the flow of attention to collapse and increasing the loss of opportunities due to the inability to respond to everything under that system.
The solution
As a solution, Marvelkleen sought messaging management software and arrived at Uniboxi.
Our client discovered a very intuitive and user-friendly platform, which contributed to simplifying the management of sales and customer service cases. This experience has significantly boosted the quality of communication with customers, thanks to the various functionalities that the platform provides.
The result
The result was a historic change in the increase in sales through social media management, nearly a 70% increase compared to previous periods.
Uniboxi’s ability to provide automated information to customers, generate follow-up responses, and offer various reporting sections has been crucial. After two years of using the platform, the company is extremely satisfied with the results obtained.
“Uniboxi is a very comprehensive yet easy-to-use platform, and the executives were able to explain its operation very well. Thanks to Uniboxi, we were able to better organize messages and significantly reduce unattended cases.”
Nicolas Safe
Business Development
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